Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Author : Rostal, Max
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Rostal, Max:   Zur Interpretation der Violinsonaten J. S. Bachs. BachJb 59 (1973), 72-78
2. Rostal, Max:   Zur Interpretation der Werke von J. S. Bach. BeitrAuffPraxis 3 (1975), 13-19
3. Rostal, Max (ed.):   Drei Sonaten und drei Partiten für Violine allein, BWV 1001 - 1006 / Johann Sebastian Bach. EdPeters 9852 (1982), 144p
4. Rostal, Max:   K interpretacii skripi! cnyh pro izvedenij I.S. Baha. [ce]MuyzkalnoeIspolnitelstvo 2 (1983)
5. Rostal, Max:   Zur Interpretation der Violinsonaten J.S. Bachs: Leipziger Vortrag 1973. [ce]SeiSolo (1991), 30-37
6. Rostal, Max:   Zur Interpretation der Violinsonaten J. S. Bachs. ConBrioFachbuch 5 (1997), 107-113

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita